Office Move Notice
Published time: 2015-06-26
Dear Customers,
Please be advised that we will be reallocating our office from Level 16 of Vero Centre to Level 29 of the same building during the last weekend of June. We will operate from the new location on 29th of June (Monday) 2015.
Our new address and contact details are:
Level 29 Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010
Tel: + 64 9 3388 200
PO Box 305, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Our telephones and emails remain unchanged.
We seek your patience and understanding for any inconvenience caused and look forward to providing you with continued, quality financial service from our new location.
Best Regards,
Patrick Li
Deputy Head of Administration
China Construction Bank (New Zealand) Limited
22 nd June, 2015