China Construction Bank (New Zealand) Limited
New Zealand Home Page > Download Centre
Home Loan Form

Standard Form Contracts

At present, China Construction Bank (New Zealand) Limited provides consumer credit loans for the purposes of residential home lending only. The following are our current standard form contracts for our residential home loan product:

1.  Home Loan Contract

The standard form home loan contract comprises:

•   Home Loan Agreement Specific Terms

•   Home Loan Agreement General Terms and Conditions

2.  Deed of guarantee and indemnity

If a guarantor is required, the guarantor will need to sign a deed of guarantee and indemnity.

•   Deed of guarantee and indemnity

3.  Memorandum of mortgage

The memorandum of mortgage that is registered will incorporate the terms of the Auckland

District Law Society Inc “all obligations” form of mortgage.

•   Mortgage Memorandum – All Obligations (RGL 2015/4328)

4. Fees and Charges

We may change our fees and charges from time to time in accordance with clause 10.2(b) of the

General Terms.

•   Loan Fees And Charges

Copies of these documents can be seen by clicking on the above links.
